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We host a global network of analysts and we know exactly who the right ones are for you.
WeKnow brings a new approach to market research that ensures the quality of your reports. While most marketplaces present you with a long list of undistinguished individuals, we combine human intelligence with innovative technology to accurately select the best suited analysts from our network of personally vetted industry experts, specifically for your project.
Don’t waste time filtering analysts. Our matching algorithm will do it for you.
Selecting the best professionals for a task is never easy. To a human, at least. That's why we created a matching algorithm that filters through our bank of analysts according to project relevance, skills, previous experience, domain expertise and customer reviews, guaranteeing the best results for your project. And the best part? It all takes about half a millisecond.
Get an utterly amazing report. Then get a better one.
Getting a truly valuable market research report is tricky. You usually put all of your eggs in one basket and hope for the best. With WeKnow, you are guaranteed to receive not one, but two high-quality reports, thanks to our competition model.
For each research, we assign two separate analysts who battle for the larger portion of the payment. Since they are completely anonymous, they are judged strictly by the quality of their reports. This means that every report you get is created with the utmost commitment, effort and skill.
The value of anonymity
We believe in equal opportunity not only for businesses, but also for our analysts. Keeping them anonymous allows them to let their work do the talking, and helps them shine strictly based on their abilities. Your report may be provided by an up-and-coming superstar or a 20-year veteran for the same price.
The only thing that matters is that it will make you go “wow!”
Industry analyst? Information specialist? Join our network!
We are continuously growing our bank of analysts in order to offer the most well-rounded service for our customers. If you have the relevant experience, skills and drive, we would love to make you a part of our network.